Sunday, January 18, 2009

Critics and Cynics

Last post, I wrote about Peeing the in the Pickles - the sad story of polluting one's organizational culture. Every day we either pollute or promote the cultures we are apart of based on the choices we make - no middle ground. Pollute or promote. Grow or destroy.

So who are your polluters?

Are all of your critics "polluters"? Is everyone that ever says a bad word about your organization trying to destroy your culture? Is it bad to have critics?

No. In fact some of the people who love you the most complain the loudest. Speaking from personal experience, I only bother complaining to the managers of organizations I actually believe would use my criticism to make improvements.

Criticism and cynicism are not the same thing - the differences come down to vision. Let's take a look at a couple of examples:

Critic: "I know what good service should be, that was not it"
Cynic: "No one can offer good service, you just want to take advantage of me"

Critic: "This leadership development program rings hollow unless managers are actually evaluated and promoted based on how well they follow these criteria."
Cynic: "What a joke, just the latest program. They role out one of these leadership things every couple years. Nothing changes. It's all just a fad."

Critics have a vision for what good looks like and want to raise performance to reach that vision. Well handled criticisms can promote culture and grow an organization. Tomorrow, send thank you cards to all of your critics (internal and external).

Cynics have no such vision, but complain none the less. Cynics spew pollution from a source of pain. These are the people who touched a hot stove after being reassured it would not hurt them. They have trusted before. Their trust was abused. They do not believe you because either you or someone else has lied to them in the past. They have scars to prove it. As a result, the cynic's starting position is one of strong doubt. They don't trust you. They don't believe you. Most cynics believe what you are doing will be to their detriment.


Cynics are polluters. But I can understand why. Cynics were lied to. Cynics were cheated. Cynics were abused. But cynics are passionate. Cynics are often vocal.

What if a cynic could be changed?
What if a cynic did not have to stay a cynic?
What if a cynic did not have to pollute?

How do you turn a cynic into a critic?
How do you turn a polluter into a promoter?

Stay tuned.

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